He gently walked into time and space to make Himself known to humanity. He didn’t invade the earth like a thief, but He came as gentle as a dove but mighty in words and deeds. He was incomparable to anyone, full of love and compassion. He walked down from the eternal realm into mortality. He was immortal, but He chose to clothe himself in mortality. To identify with us and with our infirmities. To be tempted as we are, but sin not. Although He wore human flesh like us, He possessed divine attributes.

He is merciful

At every cry of mercy, He turned and granted their requests. He is full of mercy and compassion. He is gracious to us all. Many that called on His mercy, He responded with compassion. One of such example was a blind man called Bartimaeus.

One day, the Blind Bartimaeus heard that He was passing by the same route He sat, and he cried out for mercy, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!”. Many people following Him warned Bartimaeus to be quiet. The followers probably felt Jesus was on a mission somewhere, too busy to cut short His trip for an ordinary blind man. The story is in Mark 10:46-52.

In verse 48, “Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Can you imagine that? They warned him. Would that warning not have been accompanied by a threat?

But in verse 49, So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. Then they called the blind man, saying to him, “Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you.

Can you believe that? Jesus responded to the mercy cry of Blind Bartimaeus despite the actions of people who never wanted him to be heard. The same people now came to him and said, “It’s okay, blind man. Be of good cheer; He is calling you!” That is so hilarious! They didn’t want him to draw Jesus’ attention, but the Lord never turns away from a mercy cry. He is full of compassion. He turns His bowel of compassion to all that calls on Him.

And what happened when the message was sent to Bartimaeus? In verse 50, “And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus.” I can imagine him staggering to find where Jesus was standing.

And what happened after that? Verse 51, “So Jesus answered and said to him, “What do you want Me to do for you? The blind man said to Him, “Rabboni, that I may receive my sight.”

When you appear before Him during your prayers, be ready to ask Him what you want according to His words. Don’t beat about the bush. Ask Him straight up about the specific things you want, like Bartimaeus.

And the miracle came in verse 52, “Then Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.”

Receiving from Him requires faith in God’s word. We must believe that He is capable of doing what He has spoken to us, regardless of what the external circumstances tell our five senses. Our cries for mercy will always get His attention, at any time. He is merciful and full of compassion.

The Lord Jesus performed great and mighty miracles because of His compassion for people. The Spirit of His Father rested heavily on Him. He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the devil. His Father was with Him and in Him. He was never alone. Never! He came for a mission, and He accomplished it.

Do you love me?

Like a mighty King, He descended into time. From invisible to visible. He promised us that, If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him. John 14:23.

How many of His words do you keep in your heart? Oh! He revealed Himself to us through His words. He walked into that room that day and posed a serious question to Peter, saying, “Simon, son of Jonah, do you love Me more than these?” John 21:15.

Do you love him more than “these”? What are the “these” in your life that stand between you and the Lord? As He looks upon you in love, if He asks you, “Do you love Me more than these?” What will your response be to Him?

He asked Peter the same question three times. Peter’s response to Him on two occasions was, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” The Lord judges by what is in our hearts, not by our quick responses like Peter. He knows the intent of every man’s heart.

He told Samuel when He was about to choose from David’s brothers as the Lord’s anointed King for Israel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.1 Samuel 16:7. Instead of his brothers, the Lord chose David.

The Lord sees our hearts. He knows what is in there. When He asks you, “Do you love me more than these?” Let your response be one of sobriety. It is a great honor to be called His own. He paid the price for our sins. It is not too much for Him to ask us to do something for Him.

We would all have faced eternal doom if He hadn’t come. However, the Father so loved humanity that He sent His only Son to come and pay the ultimate price for our sins.

Do you love Him more than anything else? He has shown up for you several times, even when you didn’t know. Even when you felt totally abandoned, rejected, and cast out, He was so merciful with you. While you did not yet know Him, He began His love for you. Romans 5:8. While we were living in sin, He sent help to us. He was there for us. He cleaned us up and beautified our lives with His glory—the glory of His Father. He is never ashamed to call us His own.

He stands at the door or even within your heart, asking you, “Do you love Me more than these?” What will your response be? Let your response be affirmative toward Him. He will receive you with great mercy and compassion, if only you will turn to His reproof. His burden is light, and his yoke is easy. As He knocks at the door of your heart, will you open every chamber to Him? Will you let him have his way in your life? Will you say yes to everything He has commanded you to do?

Let Him have His way with you. He is love. He is a good God. A good Father. He will pour His glory upon you more than you can ever imagine.

Oh! I was so undesirable at some point in my life. My friends and I used to say we were like the scum of the earth. I remember a brother would look at me and say, “Bum, when the glory of God comes upon you, no one will see all of these.”

I had read about the glory of God in the days of Moses, King Jehoshaphat, and King Solomon, but it stopped at that level. I desired it, though Christ is the hope of glory in me. I had believed that.

The Glory

But one day, it became a reality to me when I was far away from home in another land to fulfill the mandatory one-year post-university national service. I was all alone, but with my Bible and the corper’s fellowship. This particular town was totally new to me.

Because I had embraced Christ with all my passion and zeal, I was totally alone. My heart was only on what had to do with Him. Many times, I would lose myself in my thoughts, imagining how my life would unfold. I wished I had a father who would help me sort things out, like my friends and relatives. The thought of it made me sad, but I would quickly shake it off and start focusing on the sweet story of the Lord Jesus. Everything about Him drives me up with so much joy. My face lights up with excitement.

So this Sunday evening, I decided I would stroll out to find a quiet place to worship and pour out my heart to Him, screaming as much as I could without disturbing anybody’s peace. So I went out. I couldn’t find a place like a porch terrace in my university’s chapel. I decided to settle for a lonely, clear spot by a bush, a little away from the road (though I could still see the road to my house from where I was). Since I didn’t sense any danger in my spirit, I decided to start the worship. In songs, I began to pour out my heart to Him. It was such a sweet moment as I sang love songs to Him non-stop. At some point, the agony of a fatherless boy crept into my heart, and I began to weep in front of Him as I sang to Him. At some point, I felt a sweet sense of comfort in my heart.

Suddenly, I sensed I had hit the epiphany of my worship, and I was basking in the sweet moment of the worship when I heard a very audible voice that rumbled out, “I am Your Father!” I opened my eyes to see the surroundings, but alas, I saw a thick smoke around where I was. Curiously, I looked around to see if anyone was burning a bush but found none. Again to further prove if there was a bush burning somewhere, I tried to smell the smoke. But the smoke was odorless. I took a jolt to close my eyes and concentrate. In the midst of worship, I closed my eyes, and my spirit instantly snapped back into the vision.

With my eyes closed, I could see the thick smoke surrounding me, and out of the smoke, I heard the voice break out again: “I am Your Father. As long as my covenant is with day and night, My covenant is with you. As a Father nourishes His son, so will I nourish you and bring you into all that I have spoken concerning you in my words. My covenant is with you. You are My son! Anytime you look up to heaven and call Me, Father, I will answer you.” This was twenty-nine years ago. And the words still ring in my heart every now and then.

He revealed Himself to me as a Father, even though I was biologically fatherless. He had taken me from one stage of life to another. He had shown up so strong in every journey of life, even on a few occasions when I chose my own ways. He is a Father to us, His children.

I know Him as a Father. I have had the privilege of seeing beyond the ordinary, simply at His own instance. He is a Father to us all. The question is: Is this your reality? Or do you see Him as Father Christmas, who shows up occasionally? Who is He to you? Is He just your God? Have you processed this in your heart? Either you know it or not, He is your Father in heaven. Let that sink into you.

The Gifts

The Lord Jesus revealed Himself to many of us face-to-face. He wants us to know Him more and more. He has given us His Spirit, so that we can see Him and the Father. He can choose to do so through the means He wills. He can do it with His words or tangible manifestations of the Holy Spirit. However, there is no manifestation of the Spirit that makes the vessels more children of God than others. It is given to us by the Holy Spirit for all to profit as Paul put it to us in 1 Corinthians 12: 4-11;

“There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all: for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit, 10 to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. 11 But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually as He wills.

You can see from the above scripture that the Holy Spirit turns on the gifts in a believer for a moment “for the profit of all.” He is the Administrator of the gifts.

Seeing into the realm of the Spirit, like seeing Jesus, is a manifestation of the gift of the Holy Spirit called discerning of spirits (verse 10 above). The Holy Spirit will activate your human spirit, allowing you to see into the invisible realm of God and sometimes the evil spirits, in order to deal with certain circumstances. He can also manifest His gifts of word of knowledge or word of wisdom with the gift of discerning of spirits in order to give more meaning or message to the vision. Don’t try to manifest them on your own. Let Him grant you as He wills. Don’t dabble in this realm without His guidance.

As you worship God more and more, study the word, and pray often, you will be more attuned to the Holy Spirit within you. If He chooses to manifest His gifts in you, you will notice it. And guess what? Faith comes from hearing the word of God. As you hear more about the gifts, you can ask Him to use you to manifest His gifts.

Notwithstanding, you are no less a child of God, even if you never see one vision in a lifetime. You are as much a child of God as Peter, John, Stephen, Phillips in Samaria, Paul, and others. Don’t belittle yourself because of that. You were born with God’s incorruptible word. You have the divine nature of God in you, according to 2 Peter 1:2–4;

“Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.”

You have God’s divine nature within you. You are born of God, and His seed abides in you, according to 1 John 3:9. Let these scriptures be a revelation to you. Meditate on them, and let them sink into your spirit as you do.

He is more real than you can ever imagine. He is not an imaginary being somewhere. The One we worship is more real than what our physical senses can comprehend. As we talk about Him, His anointing shows up. He broods over His people and does them good. As we talk about Him, He brings you closer to His knowledge. He exhorts you. He reassures you. He edifies you—all by His Spirit, who is in you, with you, and for you. So, go and find out more about Him in His words. Let the Spirit of God reveal Jesus and the Father to you. Grow your relationship with Him. And He will make His words real to you. Amen!

Glory be to God! I will advise you to read more by clicking any of the links below on knowing the Father and building yourself in God:
Didn’t end there
You are not doomed
Do you believe God
No One Like You

Are You Alive Series?
Dead the Noise
Not Transactional
Forget Not
Who Do You Worship
Love Not

Or click here to read more inspiring posts.

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