Since the beginning of my life, the Lord has apprehended me. Yet I’m not rebellious toward him. Day by day, He awakens my ears to hear Him1. I’m not rebellious toward him. My Rock! My Tower is strong! Who can compare to Him? Whom shall I liken Him to? My King is the most precious of all. Adorned in heavenly glory, honor, and power, He was there before everything began. He is now. And behold, He is alive forever and ever. Never born nor created. Self existing. He existed on His own. All by Himself. The Ancient One.

Before we were, He was. Now He is. Then He will be forever. Let me be in You now and forever. No one knows His beginning. He has no end. Oh, my Maker! My King. The One who sits on the throne. To You, My King, belong all glory, honor, power, dominion, majesty, and thanks. You exist all by Yourself. Your glory ascends beyond the heavens. And the heavens cannot contain You. For You, fill it all in. In You dwells godliness. No other, My Father. Fill me with Your honey and butter. Let me know. Let me see Your goodness, glory, honor, power, and majesty.

My King has come. He was, and is and is to come. Honor to You, My Maker. My Father. The glory of all beings that worship in His presence. Behold the innumerable company of His mighty angels that excel in His power; the twenty four elders and four living creatures all bowing their faces to the ground to worship Him who sits on the throne forever!

Holy, holy, holy to Him who sits on the throne forever and ever!2

Majesty! King of Glory All belongs to you. By You, all things exist—for You and through You! Who knows your beginning? Let them say! Who has apprehended you at the beginning of all things? None! You exist all by Yourself. No one likes You. No one will ever be like You.

The earth and heavens shall pass away, but You exist forever! Glory to my Father! To the One who made and created all. Your Majesty. I worship You! I bow before Him who worships no one. Let Your Spirit swallow me up in Your eternal glory. There is nothing more desirable than Your sweet presence, clothed in inestimable glory and honor. Sweet communion of Your own Spirit, drawing me so deep into You. Yeah! I shall behold once again the beauty of Your holiness. Sweeter than honey! Sweeter than anything ever made. Deep and intense, drawing me into Your everlasting glory. My heart explodes in utter adoration and worship of My Maker, without whom I would not exist.

In You I live and move and have my whole being.3 Glory be to You, Father! I worship You that worships no one. Glory to You! Glory to You, Father on High.

I am casting down all my crowns before You. Thank you for saving me. Thank you for drawing me to You. Thank you for making me know You. Thank you for choosing to speak face-to-face with me.

Fiery Chamber

Thank you for drawing me into Your holy chamber, burning with unquenchable fire, amber, and a fiery glow of fire—my holy habitation4, where no eyes of an eagle can find. Right within the expanse of Your throne. Right on expanse of space that looks like crystal mingled with fire. The fire chamber that purifies and consecrates sons and daughters to You alone.

Your holy habitation! There Your Holy angels calling on many to come up higher. Come up higher to that place of deep communion with the Father. To the place of destiny in God. Honey and butter He has prepared. To reveal mysteries of ages coded in His words. “Come up higher!” He says, “Learn of me, for I am meek and humble!”

All power belongs to You. All glory belongs to You. All majesty. I’m filled with Your eternal Spirit. Consumed by Your passion and Your spirit. You won’t leave me. I won’t leave You forever, my Maker. My God. My Father!

Oh, I’m lost in You. Let me be in You forever. No better place than in You. Oh, my heart is palpating after Your light. I won’t stop, not here on earth nor in eternity. I have tasted it. No one likes You! None! None!! None!!!

The Throne

And a throne was set in heaven. Upon it sits the One who created all but was created by no one. The Most High sits on the throne. Fire and lightning erupting out of His presence. Thunders and sounds of many waters. Heavenly symphony and orchestra playing non-stop. Who can behold it without awe? Full of incomparable glory with glistering light that is brighter than zillions of stars. The Most High is seated on His throne forever. The One who was, and is, and is forever. No one likes Him. Clothed in fire and surrounded by innumerable angels, the four living beings, and twenty-four elders. The Holy One is in His temple; let the earth be silent. Who can utter a word but glory, honor, and thanks before the King of kings? The One who no one created but created all through Him, by Him, and for Him.

I worship the King of all kings. The Creator all that ever was and will ever be. I bow to You, My Master. My Shepherd. My Lord and Savior. Glory be to You forever and ever. Amen!

Inspired by the Book of Revelation Chapter 4.

Glory be to God! I will advise you to read more by clicking any of the links below on knowing the Father and building yourself in God:
Didn’t end there
Not satisfied
You can see Jesus
You are not doomed
Do you believe God
No One Like You

Are You Alive Series?
Dead the Noise
Not Transactional
Forget Not
Who Do You Worship
Love Not

Or click here to read more inspiring posts.

Scriptural references

  1. Isaiah 50:4-7. ↩︎
  2. Revelation 4: 8-10 ↩︎
  3. Acts 17:28 ↩︎
  4. 2 Corinthians 5:2 ↩︎

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